10th Week

10th Week

Hello there! How are you all doing? I can see that happy smile, mommy, despite the odd routine – well done! 👏🏻

I’m back with some interesting information about your 10th-week routine. Let’s not waste time and dive right in.

Your baby is now the size of a strawberry or a green olive, close to 3.1 cm in height and approximately 4 gms in weight. Your little one has grown a bit since last week. In fact, the head is becoming quite prominent, accounting for 50% of the total size of the fetus – quite fascinating, isn’t it?

The spinal cord is starting to function, enabling the baby to move its limbs and fingers. Almost all the vital organs are working swiftly, keeping up with the pace of 10th-week development. The heart is pumping enough blood and that thud you’ve been waiting to hear is getting closer. You might want to pack your micro recorder for the next ultrasound appointment to capture those quirky beats – perfect for preserving some memories during your mood swings. Am I right, mama?

As I mentioned before, all the organs are falling into place both functionally and structurally. The little face is taking on a cute shape and the fingers are no longer just sprouts; they are starting to bloom like unique flower petals. Tiny ears are also working alongside that pretty face, finding their place along the jawline.

The cornea, pupil, iris and retina lens are also developing and coordinating with the closed eyelids. The eyelids will tend to stay shut until the 27th week. And those little tooth buds are getting stronger than ever as the teeth start connecting to the jawbone. Additionally, digestive enzymes begin to secrete this week and the kidneys are fully functional, leading to an improvement in the quantity of urine.

The 10th-week developments progress rapidly in a sequential way, much faster than we would imagine. But don’t worry, mama; they have to go by the rules and respond to the body’s needs. Shouldn’t we also take some time to check on you, the mommy?

Here’s what you should be aware of:

  1. Abdominal thickness: You may feel heaviness around your belly due to random weight gain and bloating scenarios. Also, excess saliva secretion can be an aftereffect of the nausea you’ve been experiencing. Try having some chewing gums to help with that.
  2. Mood swings: This one can be quite a challenge as HCG hormones are still in place. You might find yourself laughing louder for no apparent reason and other times, your mood might become more somber or even angry. In such cases, you can try borrowing a book from the nearest library, learning a new language, or experimenting with Mexican cooking – salsa can be a great mood-lifter!
  3. Morning sickness: Morning sickness may still be at its peak, but there’s good news. It’s going to slow down, making room for a change. However, be aware that you may experience some dizziness due to the high level of blood being pumped – after all, it’s pumping for two now. If you notice any symptoms out of the ordinary, make sure to report them to your doctor.
  4. Constipation: Another common issue during pregnancy. As suggested, try to maintain a regular yoga regime and if you haven’t enrolled yet, there’s still time. Also, include fibrous foods in your diet and avoid spicy and tangy recipes that may cause discomfort. Consider baking a wheat cake with cranberries or a cheesy one – melon juice without too much ice can also be beneficial. Remember, this time is all about testing and tasting new things!

Think about the little garret where your baby resides, pushing and prodding persuasively – it’s truly a miracle. Be captivated by it. You can easily achieve that by speaking to your body and keeping your thoughts calm. Listen to Arjith Singh or play a sneaky game with the toddlers at home. Become a storyteller, be a wanderer – it’s all in the mind. And remember, the body listens to the mind. Be MINDFUL.

Pregymatic’s suggested medical monitor:

Apart from anything that has already been prescribed, the following would be an add-on starting from the 10th week:

Chorionic villus sampling (CVS): This diagnostic test checks tissue from the placenta to see if your baby has a genetic condition. CVS is usually done between 10 to 13 weeks of pregnancy. This is done only if it is indicated after consulting your obstetrician.

Now you’re all set for the 10th week. Don’t skip the video, mommy. Goodbye from Pregymatic until we meet again next time.

Recipe for 10th Week – Paneer Salad

Healthy Recipe for the 10th Week of Pregnancy: Wholesome Paneer Salad


  • 50g Paneer (Indian cottage cheese)
  • 1 small-sized Onion
  • 50g Capsicum (bell pepper)
  • 1 tsp Pepper powder
  • Salt (to taste)
  • 1/2 tsp Lemon Juice
  • 1 tsp Olive oil


  1. Begin by heating a pan and adding 1 tsp of olive oil.
  2. Once the pan is heated, add cube-cut onions and capsicum on medium heat.
  3. Saute the onions and capsicum for a few minutes until they turn slightly tender.
  4. Add the paneer to the pan and mix all the ingredients well.
  5. Turn off the heat and let the mixture cool down.
  6. After cooling, season the salad with salt, pepper and a dash of lemon juice.
  7. Give it a final mix and your delicious paneer salad is ready to be served.


Paneer – 50g

  • Protein: 9g
  • Calcium: 104mg

Capsicum – 50g

  • Protein: 0.6g
  • Carbohydrates: 1.3g

Olive oil – 40 kcal / 1 tsp

Benefits / Nutritional Facts:

As you embark on this incredible journey of creating life within you, your health and well-being become intertwined with the precious little one growing inside. During this tender time, embracing the right foods can not only nourish your body but also connect you emotionally to the miracle of motherhood. Let’s explore the profound and heartfelt nutritional benefits of two loving ingredients: paneer (Indian cottage cheese) and capsicum (bell pepper)and how they can support you and your baby during this special phase.

Paneer, the Creamy Essence of Love:

Picture a soft, creamy embrace that warms your heart—paneer is just that! Rich in essential milk protein, paneer becomes the cornerstone of your baby’s development, providing a strong foundation for tiny bones and teeth. Like a loving hug, paneer ensures your baby receives the nourishment required for growth and strength, reinforcing the bond between you two even before you meet face to face.

A Heartwarming Gift of Calcium:

Beyond its protein content, paneer is a generous source of calcium, a precious mineral that strengthens not only your baby’s bones but also your own. During this journey, you need all the support you can get and calcium, like a reassuring hand, fortifies your bones, carrying you gracefully through the beautiful transformation of motherhood.

Capsicum, a Symphony of Colors and Care:

Imagine an orchestra playing vibrant melodies of joy—capsicum brings that symphony of colors to your plate! These bell peppers are packed with antioxidants, celebrating the radiant glow of pregnancy. They lovingly shield you and your baby from stress, much like a protective shield that keeps negativity at bay, allowing your love and happiness to shine through.

An Abundance of Vitamin C:

Capsicum showers you with the gift of vitamin C, nurturing your immune system like a gentle breeze, providing the strength to sail through pregnancy with grace and ease. This vital nutrient also aids in iron absorption, an essential element that carries oxygen to your baby, ensuring a smooth and healthy journey together.

Harmonious Union of Nutrients:

Together, paneer and capsicum form a delightful duet, their flavors blending in harmony like your heartbeat synchronized with your baby’s. They create a nourishing feast, enriching your body and soul with the love and care you both deserve.

As you savor the combination of paneer and capsicum, let it serve as a poignant reminder of the incredible journey you are on—filled with love, hopes and dreams. Embrace each bite with gratitude, knowing that the nutrients they carry are an embodiment of the love you shower upon yourself and your precious baby.

With every nourishing choice you make, remember that your body is a temple of life and your heart is a sanctuary of boundless love. As you cherish these special moments, may the nutritional embrace of paneer and capsicum keep you both thriving, united in a profound connection that transcends time.

Wishing you an enchanting and joy-filled pregnancy journey!

Pregnancy Education

Pregnancy 10th Week Recipe

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