Welcome to the 16th week, mama!
Hello,mama! Time flies, doesn’t it? As we enter the 16th week of this magical journey, I couldn’t be happier to be with you again. I can see that fabulous grin on your face and it warms my heart. Something beautiful is growing inside you and your radiant glow is a testament to the love and excitement you carry in your heart.
Your baby is growing every day, inch by inch and it’s simply adorable to witness this miracle. This week, your baby might be about the size of a fluffy avocado, measuring between 12 to 15 cm. The skin of your little one is becoming transparent and delicate, a sign of the precious life unfolding within. It’s awe-inspiring to know that even after birth, your baby’s skin will remain tender and delicate, needing your gentle care and protection.

The heart of your baby is now working full-time, pumping an impressive 25 litres of blood each day. That’s truly a humongous feat! As your baby’s other organs are also growing, this increased blood flow is essential for their development. With this surge in circulation, it’s time to include more iron in your diet. Foods like dark green leafy vegetables, eggs and raisins are excellent sources of iron. Including raisins, almonds and pumpkin seeds can help avoid constipation, so you can enjoy the benefits without any worries. Remember, iron deficiency can lead to birth complications, anaemia and fatigue, so let’s make sure you’re getting enough iron for both you and your baby’s well-being.
The 16th to 18th week is when you may notice your baby’s eye movements during their development. Their muscles and bones are gaining strength, enabling them to straighten their head and make adorable thumb-sucking movements. If you’re lucky, your ultrasound might capture these precious moments, giving you a glimpse of your playful little one. Get ready for episodes of gentle hits and misses as your baby explores their surroundings within the cosy confines of your womb.
Now, let’s address some common symptoms you may experience during this week:

Back pain – Lower back pain may become part of your week’s symptoms. It can be dull or sharp, but remember, it’s a natural response to your body’s stretching and adapting to accommodate your growing baby. Gentle exercises and yoga can help ease the discomfort. Seek help from experts and don’t push yourself too hard. A good stretch and relaxation will work wonders for you.
Breast changes – Expect your breasts to become tender, swollen and may have a few bumps. These are milk-filled cells, preparing to nourish your baby after birth. Embrace these changes as the wonders of motherhood unfold within you. If you experience increased pain, don’t hesitate to consult your doctor.
Bloating – A common symptom due to adequate food intake, consider a schedule of small and frequent meals. Include fibre-rich foods to keep digestion smooth and avoid carbonated drinks. Relish fresh fruit juices and veggie soups for a healthy treat.
Round ligament pain – As your baby and uterus expand, this discomfort may occur. Remember, it’s all part of this beautiful journey and this too shall pass. Save your energy for joyous moments with your loved ones.
Nasal congestion – Try natural home remedies to ease this congestion, as it may come and go unexpectedly. Stay proactive, mamaand all will be well for your angel.
Now, let’s talk about the medical monitoring during the 16th week:
Your healthcare provider may recommend specific tests to monitor the health and development of your baby during this time. Ultrasound, AFP test, quad screen and glucose screening are some common tests that can offer valuable insights and reassurance.
Dear mama, as we conclude this week, I want you to know that your baby is becoming more active and playful, engaging with the world around them in their unique way. As you await the arrival of your little one, cherish this time. Plan a weekend trip, indulge in your lost hobbies and perhaps learn to knit baby sweaters as you keep the excitement alive.
It’s a big goodbye for now, but remember, I am always here with you in spirit, cheering you on throughout this incredible journey. Eat well, keep fit and let that beatific smile stay on your face forever.
With love and warmth,
Pregymatic, your trusted pregnancy partner
Recipe for 16th week – Chocolate Shrikhand
- Hung curd – 250 gms
- Dark chocolate – 25 gms
- Milk – 2 tsp
- Choco chip – 2 tsp
- Grated almond and cashew nuts – 2 tsp
- Cardamom powder – 1 tsp
- Take a bowl, add dark chocolate and milk.
- Microwave or by double boiling method melt the chocolate.
- In a large bowl add hung curd, melted chocolate and mix well till it becomes smooth and creamy..
- Now add chocochip and cardamom powder mix well.
- Transfer this enchanting blend into a serving bowland here comes the final touch of elegance – the garnish. Sprinkle the grated almonds and cashew nuts on top, adding a delightful crunch and visual appeal to the dish.
- Now, it’s up to you – would you like to dive right into this blissful dessert, or would you prefer to chill it a bit before serving? Either way, you’re in for a divine treat that will leave you smiling from ear to ear.
- Dark chocolate – 10.9 mg iron / 100gms, 252 mg magnesium, 5.54 gms protein
- Hung curd – 11 gms protein / 100 gms, 3.4 gms carbs
As an Indian mother who understands the joys and challenges of pregnancy, I want to share with you the delightful nutritional benefits of two ingredients that can bring a smile to your face – dark chocolate and hung curd. These two treats not only satisfy our taste buds but also offer a world of nourishment for you and your precious little one.
1.Dark chocolate – Embrace the sweetness of antioxidants. Dark chocolate, with its rich and velvety taste, is more than just a delightful indulgence; it’s a treasure trove of health benefits for you during pregnancy. Hidden within its luscious texture are powerful antioxidants that come to your aid like little warriors, protecting your body from the challenges it may face.
Antioxidants are like a protective shield, fighting against harmful free radicals that can cause cellular damage. During pregnancy, when your body is working tirelessly to nurture the life growing within, these antioxidants offer a helping hand, supporting your immune system and overall well-being.
Furthermore, dark chocolate is known to raise the levels of good cholesterol (HDL) in your body while protecting the bad cholesterol (LDL) from oxidation. This delicate balance ensures a healthy heart for you and your baby, allowing you to embrace this magical journey with a strong and happy heart.
2.Hung curd – Creamy Goodness with a Nutritional Punch: Hung curd, a creamy and delightful treat, is not only a delicious addition to our meals but also a boon for pregnant mothers like us. The process of making hung curd removes excess whey, leaving behind a concentrated source of nutrition that can work wonders for our health.
One of the key benefits of hung curd during pregnancy is its low carbohydrate content. It’s gentle on your blood sugar levels, ensuring a steady release of energy throughout the day. This steady energy supply keeps you feeling balanced and nourished, helping you sail through the day with ease.
But that’s not all – hung curd is also a fantastic source of probiotics, the friendly bacteria that support our gut health. During pregnancy, when our bodies undergo various changes, maintaining a healthy gut is essential for overall well-being. Probiotics in hung curd offer gentle support to your digestive system, ensuring that you and your baby receive all the nourishment from the food you eat.
Dear mama, as you savour the goodness of dark chocolate and the creamy delight of hung curd, I want you to feel the warmth and love that these ingredients bring to your heart. Every bite you take is a reminder of the precious journey of motherhood, where you nourish not just your body but also your soul with the joys of anticipation and hope.
So, indulge in the goodness of dark chocolate and hung curd, knowing that you are giving your body the nourishment it craves and deserves during this special phase of life. Embrace the sweetness of antioxidants and the creamy goodness of probiotics, cherishing every moment of this miraculous journey.
Always only speak to a health care service provider for all pregnancy related queries and diet recommendations.