26th Week: Celebrating Growth and Surprises
Greetings, Moms-to-Be! We’re in for a big week, filled with exciting developments and a touch of challenge, but it comes with a zest that will put a million smiles on your face. So, let’s dive right in.
Our baby is growing splendidly, stretching to about 34 cm to 35 cm from head to toe, now resembling a plump cabbage. With each passing day, the baby is expanding its territory and practising the art of swallowing amniotic fluid. This action is vital as it helps the baby’s lungs develop and function effectively. Those adorable tiny fingers are sprouting nails this week and trust me, they’re becoming quite sharp. It’s high time to consider investing in a good nail trimmer, dear mama.

Here’s something fascinating to share: if you’re expecting a baby boy, his testicles have begun their descent towards the scrotum, a process that will take about 2 to 3 months. On the other hand, the baby’s brain waves are becoming more active. That little explorer, who’s been so curious all along, is now slowly starting to respond to the outside world. How incredibly cute is that? They can now suck, see, hear and taste and might even move in response to you gently running your hand across your tummy. Haven’t tried it yet, mama? Go ahead, run your fingers along your tummy and feel the magic.
Those precious emerald eyes, which have been shut for quite some time but contributing to the development of the retina, are now ready to dazzle. They can open and close, providing you with the delight of witnessing some adorable blinks. The umbilical cord is getting stronger and thicker, as it serves as the nutritional hub for your baby, supplying all the essential nutrients. Remember to include plenty of green leafy vegetables, proteins and other balanced components in your diet to nourish this vital lifeline. Avoid sugary and spicy foods, as they may not be the best for this stage.
Now, let’s discuss some common symptoms you might experience during this 26th week:

- Urinary tract infection: Quite a common occurrence during pregnancy, UTIs can be caused by bacteria entering the urinary tract. Factors like an enlarged uterus pressing on the bladder and changes in the urinary tract can make you more susceptible. Keep an eye out for frequent urges to urinate, pain or burning during urination, cloudy or strong-smelling urine, blood in the urine, or lower abdominal discomfort.
- Stress and anxiety: The pregnant heart seeks balance. Excessive emotions can be harmful. Instead of trying to eliminate them, learn to manage and balance your emotions to avoid pregnancy triggers. Mental health is crucial during this time, so take good care of yourself – you are a priority.
- Headaches: Consider these temporary symptoms that may come and go as quickly as they arrived. Stay calm and well-hydrated to alleviate any discomfort.
- Pre-eclampsia: This is a serious condition characterised by high blood pressure and organ damage, occurring after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Though its exact cause is unknown, risk factors include high blood pressure, protein in urine, swelling in the hands, feet and face, severe headaches, visual disturbances and upper abdominal pain. If left untreated, it can lead to complications like seizures, placental abruption and more.
- Blurred vision: Blurred vision can occur during pregnancy due to hormonal changes, fluid retention, dry eyes and even gestational diabetes.
- Braxton hicks contractions: These are mild, irregular contractions that serve as practice for labour. Try changing positions, staying hydrated, practising relaxation techniques and taking warm baths to ease any discomfort. However, if you experience any unusual symptoms, consult your healthcare provider for peace of mind.
During the 26th week of pregnancy, there are certain routine tests and screenings that may be recommended by your healthcare provider.
- Blood pressure check
- Urine analysis
- Blood tests
- Glucose screening
- Foetal growth assessment
- Group B Streptococcus (GBS) testing
In conclusion, this week brings you the joy of tracking your baby’s responsive movements and breathing pattern. Keep a close watch on any concerning symptoms, if any and get ready to embrace the wonders of motherhood. Stay connected with your growing bump and consider documenting your new adventure. That’s all for now. Keep smiling until we meet again. Goodbye!
Recipe for the 26th week – Garlic Mushroom
- Mushroom – 200 gms
- Unsalted butter – 1 tsp
- Chopped onion – 4 tsp
- Chopped garlic – 1 tsp
- Crushed pepper- 1 tsp
- Salt – to taste
- Coriander leaves – for garnish
- Heat butter in a pan, add garlic and onion.
- Saute the onion until softened.
- Add mushrooms and cook for above 4-5 minutes until golden and crispy on edges.
- Add salt and pepper powder and stir well.
- Garnish with coriander leaves.
- Mushroom – Calcium 2.9 mg, Vitamin B6 5% of Dv
- Garlic 1 single clove – 3gms 4.5 kcal, 1 gm of carbs
Garlic mushrooms can be a tasty and nutritious addition to a pregnancy diet, offering several potential benefits:
Nutrient-rich: Mushrooms are a source of essential vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins (like riboflavin and niacin), which are important for energy metabolism and foetal development.
Immune support: Garlic is known for its immune-boosting properties, thanks to its high allicin content. During pregnancy, when the immune system can be somewhat suppressed, garlic can help enhance immune function.
Iron absorption: Garlic contains sulphur compounds that may improve iron absorption, which is important during pregnancy to prevent iron-deficiency anaemia.
Antioxidants: Both garlic and mushrooms contain antioxidants that help protect cells from oxidative stress, which can be elevated during pregnancy.
Protein: Mushrooms are a source of plant-based protein, which is important for tissue growth and repair, both for the mother and the developing baby.
Digestive health: Garlic can promote healthy digestion and help alleviate common pregnancy-related digestive discomfort like bloating and gas.
Flavorful option: Garlic mushrooms can add flavour and variety to your meals, making it easier to maintain a nutritious and enjoyable diet during pregnancy.
However, it’s essential to note that some pregnant individuals may experience heartburn or indigestion and garlic can be a trigger for these symptoms in some cases. If you find that garlic exacerbates digestive discomfort, you may want to consume it in moderation or consult your healthcare provider for guidance.
As with any dietary choices during pregnancy, it’s advisable to consult your healthcare provider or a registered dietitian to ensure that garlic mushrooms fit well into your individual nutritional needs during pregnancy and any specific dietary considerations you may have.
Wishing you a joyous and healthy pregnancy journey!
Always only speak to a health care service provider for all pregnancy related queries and diet recommendations.