Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) in Indian Women: Navigating the Challenges

Disturbing Numbers: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a prevailing hormonal disorder among Indian women. Shockingly, statistical data shows that around 1 in 10 women in India grapple with PCOS. This condition is marked by the presence of multiple cysts on the ovaries, irregular menstrual cycles and heightened levels of male hormones. PCOS unveils various symptoms including weight gain, acne, excessive hair growth and fertility troubles.

 According to National Institutes of Health the pooled prevalence of PCOS was close to 10% using Rotterdam’s criteria and AES criteria, while it was 5.8% using NIH criteria.As per WHO PCOS is a significant public health problem and is one of the commonest hormonal disturbances affecting women of reproductive age. The condition affects an estimated 8–13% of women of reproductive age and up to 70% of cases are undiagnosed.

In Maharashtra, the prevalence rate of PCOS was noted to be 22.5% and in south India it was 9.13% .as per National Health Portal of India. Another previous report from South India, which included adolescents, showed an incidence of 9.13%.


Fertility Under Siege: PCOS hits fertility hard, affecting nearly 70% of women with the condition. Yet, a healthier lifestyle can wield its magic. Regular yoga, a balanced diet and effective stress management techniques can be potent tools in taming PCOS.

As per Deccan Herald survey, PCOS can affect up to 30-50 per cent of women of fertile age in India. With the right guide and help it is possible to achieve parenthood if a person has PCOS. Women can undergo a safe pregnancy and give birth to healthy baby with fertility treatment. According to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), PCOS is a complex disease that manifests as infertility, hirsutism, obesity and menstrual disturbances such as oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea and an ovulation.

Unveiling the PCOS Enigma: Causes, Symptoms and Fertility Impact

Common Thread: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) disrupts the lives of many Indian women, with approximately 1 in 10 encountering this challenge. The root cause of PCOS remains elusive, but the interplay of genetics and environment seems to hold the key. The symptoms are varied and vivid – irregular periods, excessive hair growth, acne and unwelcome weight gain. The fertility realm isn’t spared either; PCOS throws ovulation off track, causing a bumpy road to conception.

Most of the symptoms of PCOS are caused by higher levels of hormones, called androgens. By age 40, 40% of women with PCOS will develop pre-diabetes or diabetes. Women with PCOS have higher chances of gestational diabetes, miscarriages and still births. It is estimated that 50-70% of women with PCOS have insulin resistance.


Coping with PCOS: The Role of Yoga, Diet and Stress Management

Holistic Helpers: Yoga, diet and stress management stand as formidable allies in the battle against PCOS, offering Indian women a ray of hope. Research reveals that regular yoga practice can restore hormonal balance, reduce insulin resistance and enhance overall fertility. A well-structured diet, rich in whole foods, low glycemic index carbs, lean proteins and healthy fats, not only aids in weight control but also regulates insulin levels. On top of this, practicing stress management techniques like meditation and relaxation proves to be a game-changer. Statistical insights underscore the promising potential of these holistic methods in alleviating PCOS’s impact on fertility and enhancing the well-being of affected women.

Navigating PCOS Together: A Husband's Role and Responsibilities

Support System: When PCOS enters the picture, a husband’s role in his wife’s journey becomes vital. The first step is understanding PCOS’s implications on her health and fertility. Accompanying her to medical visits and actively engaging with healthcare professionals can forge a supportive partnership. Jointly embracing a healthy lifestyle, cooking nutritious meals, practicing yoga and managing stress can create a positive impact. During fertility treatments or while exploring alternative therapies, his emotional presence can be a soothing balm. Patience, empathy and solidarity become the foundation as they confront PCOS’s intricacies as a united front.

Crux of the Matter: Key Insights on PCOS

Common Challenge: PCOS’s grasp reaches 10-15% of Indian women, a significant portion of the population.

Unravelled Mysteries: The exact triggers of PCOS remain shrouded, but genetics and the environment wield influence.

Manifestation in Symptoms: PCOS paints a vivid picture with irregular cycles, excess hair, acne and weight gain.

For the management of PCOS lifestyle intervention is regarded as the cornerstone.

Fertility’s Foe: Fertility takes a hit, as PCOS disrupts the natural course to conception.

Varied Arsenal for PCOS: Treatment options range from hormone regulation via medication to lifestyle adjustments, including diet, exercise and stress-relief techniques like yoga

In case of any medical emergency, reach to a healthcare professional/facility immediately
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